martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Indicadores Filosofía

1. Reconocer el problema filosófico de la Edad Media en la relación u oposición entre la fe y la razón. 

2. Comprender la pregunta ontológica sobre el ser metafísico desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días.

3. Representar en ejemplos cotidianos la aplicabilidad y la estructura del acto moral.

4. Observar y clasificar los distintos planteamientos morales y éticos desde la antigüedad hasta nuestros días.

5. Valorar las posibilidades del arte como elemento inherente a la naturaleza humana.

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Matemáticas

1. Elabora procesos lógicos que permitan determinar las condiciones de los diferentes criterios de congruencia de triángulos.

2. Comprende los procesos lógicos que permitan determinar los elementos y ecuaciones de las diferentes posiciones de ángulos en la circunferencia. 

3. Comprende los procesos lógicos que le permiten determinar los elementos y ecuaciones de las diferentes posiciones de segmentos y rectas en la circunferencia.

4. Evidencia interés en encontrar soluciones a situaciones a partir de la probabilidad de que un suceso aleatorio ocurra.

5. Elabora procesos lógicos que permitan determinar las condiciones de los diferentes criterios de semejanza de triángulos.

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Idioma Extranjero (Inglés)

1. oral comprehension/listening: identify the main idea, detail and purpose in an oral text. 

2. oral production: takes an active part in discussions in familiar contexts while at the same time account for and sustain his or her views. (discussions to include: debates, panels, interviews, editorials) and can support and defend his or her personal opinions, plans and projects.

3. reading: analyze texts with the purpose of understanding the specific and key ideas. (descriptive, narrative and argumentative texts).

4. writing: expresses a clear, well-structured text; writes texts which explain student´s preferences, decisions or actions; structures written texts taking into account the formal elements of the english language. (punctuation, spelling, syntax, coherence, cohesion) and lastly expresses points of view at some length. 

5. use of English: correctly uses grammar topics and has ability to fluidly express oneself without assistance

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Lengua Castellana

1. Reconoce las reglas generales de acentuación.

2. Distingue los marcadores textuales que caracterizan los elementos de la cohesión y la coherencia.

3. Aplica las reglas generales de acentuación repasadas en clases.

4. Clasifica los diferentes medios de comunicación masiva y presento un reportaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura y los formatos audiovisuales.

5. Participa de manera activa en los procesos de lectura y escritura propuestos en las actividades académicas.

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.

Indicadores Ciencias Sociales

1. Leads appropriate warm-up and cool-down activities.

2. Demonstrates an understanding of the value of the importance of personal, physical fitness for active, healthy living.

3. Demonstrates and promotes etiquette and fair play. 

4. Plans and assess personal fitness and activity programs using the principles of training. 

5. Applies appropriate rules, routines, and procedures of safety to new and familiar activities. 

6. Demonstrates responsibility related to the following items: punctuality, coming to class on time, readiness for class, care of personal materials as well as school materials, bringing necessary materials to class at all times, proper organization and presentation of work, respect towards the teacher and classmates, dedication to excellence, recognition of the importance of dialogue and a sense of solidarity.